History of basketball: Expectations VS Reality Part 1


History of basketball: Expectations VS Reality Part 1 

(Basketball team of Carnegie Institute of Technology)


It might seem strange to those of us who watch a lot of basketball and keep up to date with NBA news on a daily basis to comprehend a time before the NBA or basketball existed, but it did not always exist, there was a time before smartphones and TVs, a simpler and innocent time when all of us roamed the great grass fields dancing and playing whatever sport we were interested in. So today I had over ancient Chinese history

Creation of Basketball

Before the NBA I will talk about an era of basketball that I am sure you guys don’t know a lot about it but first, I’m a college student living in 21 century America which means I need money to buy a ticket and of course, now the NBA began in 1946 but basketball was invented before it but thankfully we don’t have to look that further back to find out about the urgent about basketball because unlike most other sports there is no ambiguity as to when basketball was invented mostly because the creation of basketball is fairly recent compared to other sports like soccer for example which has back to ancient Greece 

Inventor of the basketball

Basketball was created in December 1891 by a 30-year-old YMCA gym teacher called James Naismith in Springfield Massachusetts December, Massachusetts as Bostonians will know is brutally cold and since most people don’t want to go out, Naismith sought to find a way to keep people’s fitness levels up indoors so he took it a peach basket put it on a 10-foot pole took a soccer ball and they played the first game of basketball ever her is the fun fact when James Naismith first invented this one of his students told him he should name the game after himself and call it Naismathball to which Naismith essentially said that is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, and the student then suggested okay we have a basket and a ball so we can call it a basketball and so that’s what they stuck with now over the next 20 years Naismith himself would make many changes to the game

Basketball changes in the James Naismith era

He added a backboard, he started experimenting with different balls changing the rules one of the first changes he made was realizing that having a literal basket as the hoop is kind of stupid because they have to take the basket down every time  to dig the ball out of the basket it’d be much easier if the ball fell through the basket that’s when he added a metal ring or as we know now it’s a hoop and Naismith found out that his student really enjoyed playing basketball so much so that his student went to other YMCAs around country to teach them the game to other people and the game spread very fast by 1895 just three years  after creation basketball had become an established sport as a several men’s and women’s of high school he had also tricked into some university including the university of Kansas where one of Naismith’s friends has established collegiate basketball team in 1898 James Naismith was hired by the Uni of Kansas ass a physical education instructor as well as the coach of their new basketball team can u imagine hiring the creator of the sport to coach your team in this sport, now in the early days because other colleges didn’t have a basketball team the Kansas team would initially only play against YMCs around their area although slowly other colleges started joining Kansas team university of Chicago university of Kentucky by 1901 there were regular intercollegiate games all around the country in 1907 James Naismith quit coaching to instead focusing on pursuing a master’s degree  in physical education Naismith and his career with a 55 and 60 record and ironically he’s the only coach in Kansas basketball history to have a losing record around 1905


I think what all people miss when they talk about the invention of basketball is how influential James Naismith was in the history of the game. Since basketball was invented, James Naismith has been the only coach in Kansas basketball history to have a losing record. Not only was he the creator of game, but he was also the inventor of T-Bones and the official game ball. For all these reasons, you can say that he is the most significant person in the history of the game 

In addition to all these, he also created the basket which is called the “hoop”. This is the most significant step in the history of basketball because it gives the game its name. Without the hoop, the game would have a much different name and wouldn’t be the same. Nowadays, you see people saying the word ‘hoop’ everywhere 

The next thing Naismith did was he realized that having a literal basket as the hoop is kind of stupid because they have to take the basket down every time to dig the ball out of the basket it’d be much easier if the ball fell through the basket that’s when he added a metal ring or we now call it a hoop and Naismith found out that his student really enjoyed playing basketball so much so that his student traveled to other YMCAs around the country to teach them the game to other people and the game

This was Part 1 article talking about the creation of the basketball on James Naismith's hands, I will write one or two more parts to end this historical event

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